Texas House Committee on Public Health – HB 3672
On April 17, 2019, MMHPI Vice President of Administration and Senior Director of Evaluation Michele Guzmán, PhD, was invited testimony at the Texas House Committee on Public Health. House Bill 3672, relating to the collection and reporting of data on services provided by chemical dependency treatment facilities, was filed by Representative Andrew Murr.
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The Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) is the state-designated Single State Agency (SSA) for substance use disorder services. In that role, HHSC is the state agency that the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) funds with Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant dollars, based on a federal formula. As the SSA, HHSC is responsible for reporting data to SAMHSA through a federal system called the Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS). Data reported into this system are sometimes used to determine eligibility for certain funds.
HB 3672 would grant HHSC the authority to collect relevant admission, discharge, transfer data from chemical dependency treatment facilities to satisfy applicable data set requirements. HHSC would then report this data through TEDS, resulting in a more accurate rate of treatment admissions for SUD and better positioning Texas for its fair share of federal dollars.