Legislative UpdatesTexas Senate Committee on Health & Human Services – SB 10

Texas Senate Committee on Health & Human Services – SB 10

On February 12, 2019, MMHPI President and CEO Andy Keller, PhD, was invited testimony at the Senate Committee on Health & Human Services. Senate Bill 10, relating to the creation of the Texas Mental Health Care Consortium, was filed by Senator Jane Nelson with all 31 members of the Senate signed on as co-sponsors.  


of all mental health conditions manifest by age 14*


of children with mental health needs who receive care are treated in a primary care setting*

*as of date of testimony

During his testimony, Dr. Keller described three major elements as roles Texas Mental Health Care Consortium:

  • Access to Care: to coordinate the expansion and delivery of mental health care services
  • Research: to promote collaboration in mental health and substance use disorder research across Texas
  • Workforce: to build a skilled psychiatric workforce for the public mental health system