Linda Perryman Evans

Former President and CEO, The Meadows Foundation

Linda Perryman Evans is the Former President and Chief Executive Officer of The Meadows Foundation, one of the largest private philanthropies in Texas. A Director and Trustee of the Foundation since 1976, Ms. Evans is a great niece of founders, Algur H. and Virginia Meadows.

Prior to her current position, Evans was an active partner in the public relations firm of Stern, Nathan & Perryman and previously, the Executive Director of the Dallas Welcoming Committee, the non-partisan host committee for the 1984 Republican National Convention.

A graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, Evans worked in Washington, DC from 1976 through 1983. She served on President Gerald Ford’s re-election campaign, was an assistant in the development office of the American Enterprise Institute, was assistant to the press secretary for the late Senator John Heinz of Pennsylvania, and from 1980 to 1983, served in the White House Office of Media Relations and Planning for President Ronald Reagan.

She is a board member of the Philanthropic Collaborative in Washington, DC, the Council on Foundations, the National Center for Family Philanthropy, and the Wilson Foundation.

She has served on the boards of Grantmakers in Health and the Conference of Southwest Foundations, where she is a past president. She was named in the 2010 Nonprofit Times list of the Top 50 Power and Influence Leaders in the Nonprofit Community.

Multidimendional Grief Therapy Author Julie Kaplow-Kline-Kline (small)