topics Educational Resources Post-Traumatic Stress

Post-Traumatic Stress

Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS), also known as Post-Traumatic Stress Stress Disorder (PTSD), is a mental health issue that can develop after witnessing or experiencing a traumatic, or life-threatening event. Traumatic events can take many forms, but car accidents, combat, natural disasters and sexual assaults are all examples of events that might lead to PTS. While it is normal to have disturbing memories, feelings of being on edge and difficulties doing normal daily activities after such an event, most people will begin to feel better within a few months. If your symptoms persist longer than that, or are disrupting your life, you may have PTS.


There are four main symptoms of PTS, however, each person experiences PTS in their own way. PTS symptoms will not be the same for everyone.

  1. Reliving the event
  2. Avoiding things that remind you of the event
  3. Having more negative thoughts and feelings than before
  4. Feeling on Edge


Three combat vets, each injured in a different war, heal inside and out through fly fishing.

Treatment Works

There are a range of options including different talk therapies and medications. Recovery from PTS is possible, with many who follow through with treatment getting rid of symptoms all together, and many other reporting less intense, or fewer symptoms. Treatment can help even if your trauma was experienced years ago. Review the information below to learn more about the treatment options available.

Further Reading

While anyone can develop PTS, due to the high rates among veterans, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has developed comprehensive and reliable resources on this topic.