
June 26, 2024

The Need for a Pediatric Treatment Resistant Depression Center of Excellence

SUMMARY - Treatment resistant depression is a growing problem for children in Texas and the United States. Twenty percent of children experience an episode of major depression before adulthood and rates of reported depression...

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May 31, 2024

A Texas Solution to a National Challenge: How Telehealth Can Bolster Youth Mental Health in the Near-Term

SUMMARY - The nation’s young people are facing a growing mental health challenge, one that has been amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic and mental health workforce shortages. This extends to Texas children and youth...

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January 31, 2024

Increasing Measurement-Based Assessment and Care for People with Serious Mental Illness

SUMMARY - Measurement-based care (MBC) is an important strategy to facilitate early screening, early intervention, mitigation of medication adverse effects and improved overall mental health outcomes for people with TD. In the case of...

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August 30, 2023

Collaborative Care Model Technical Assistance Tools

SUMMARY – This set of technical assistance tools was developed by the Meadows Institute, in collaboration with select partners, to meaningfully support primary care teams seeking to implement high-fidelity Collaborative Care (CoCM).

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October 12, 2023

Uvalde Region Mental Health Needs Assessment

SUMMARY - In the wake of a deadly school shooting that rocked the community of Uvalde, Texas and the entire country on May 24, 2022, Uvalde has demonstrated remarkable courage and resilience. However, the...

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August 28, 2023

The Texas Vaccine Equity Sprint

SUMMARY - People with serious mental illness (SMI) are at high risk of dying from COVID-19. To help educate this population about vaccinations and opportunities to get vaccinated, the Meadows Institute engaged community organizations...

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August 11, 2023

Improving Outcomes for Former Foster Children

SUMMARY - Young people formerly in foster care are diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder at four times the rate of the general adult population and often struggle in school. The Meadows Institute worked to...

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August 7, 2023

Behavioral Health Integration and Guidance Initiative

SUMMARY - The Meadows Institute partnered with Children’s Health, a top-rated children’s hospital in North Texas, to train pediatric health care providers to detect and treat mild-to-moderate behavioral health conditions such as anxiety, stress...

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August 7, 2023

San Antonio Mobile Mental Wellness Collaborative

SUMMARY - This collaborative formed in 2019 to provide free, unified mental health services directly at campuses of underserved schools where transportation remains a barrier to students finding care. Since 2022, the Meadows Institute...

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