August 7, 2023

San Antonio Mobile Mental Wellness Collaborative

SUMMARY - This collaborative formed in 2019 to provide free, unified mental health services directly at campuses of underserved schools where transportation remains a barrier to students finding care. Since 2022, the Meadows Institute...

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March 17, 2021

Measurement-Based Care in the Treatment of Mental Health & Substance Use Disorders

SUMMARY – This report expands upon the 2015 Kennedy Forum report to include additional measures and research supporting the use of MBC for the treatment of mental health and substance use disorders in primary,...

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November 4, 2020

White Paper Series: COVID-19 Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Impacts

SUMMARY - The Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute has released a series of white papers on the anticipated mental health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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May 29, 2020

Texas Veterans + Family Alliance

SUMMARY - Texas Veterans + Family Alliance (TV+FA) is an innovative grant program through which local communities can develop solutions and programs to best serve the mental health needs of our veterans and their...

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June 29, 2020

Transforming Police Responses to Mental Health Emergencies: Rapid Integrated Group Healthcare Team (RIGHT Care)

SUMMARY - The RIGHT Care Program is a data-driven approach to emergency mental health crisis response that is helping transform criminal justice and health systems in Dallas, across Texas, and nationally.

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December 3, 2018

The Challenge of Identifying, Diverting & Treating Justice-Involved People with Mental Illness

SUMMARY - How to best manage the number of people with mental illnesses who are involved in the criminal justice system is long-standing problem that goes back decades. The Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute...

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September 8, 2016

Best Practices in Integrated Behavioral Health

SUMMARY - Integrated behavioral health represents a seamless integration of mental health and primary care services, recognizing they are interdependent. Released in 2016, the Meadows Institute report, commissioned by St. David’s Foundation, offered guidance...

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April 1, 2016

Dallas County Smart Justice Planning Project, Phase One

SUMMARY - The primary goal of this project—made possible by the Caruth Smart Justice Planning Grant—is to improve overall public safety by reducing the number of people with mental illness receiving treatment through involvement...

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